- Session meets this week. Please get your reports to Pat as soon as possible.
- The Annual Meeting will be held next Sunday, January 19th. We will also install officers in worship that Sunday. There will be a potluck following worship.
- The next planning session for Feeding the Faith will be on January 15th, but the cooking date is still to be determined.
- If you are interested in becoming a member of the congregation or transferring your membership to this church, please talk to Cindy Bean soon.
- If you would like to be considered for the volunteer position of Stated Clerk please talk to Bonnie Suydam or Pastor Cindy ASAP. Pat Welker is retiring from this position after serving well and faithfully for many years.
- Officer Training that was scheduled for TODAY following Worship has been Canceled.
- Per Capita for 2025 is $38.29. This can be paid via Tithe.ly or marked accordingly in the offering plate.
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Weekly AnnouncementsHere you will find the weekly Announcements from Church on Sunday mornings. If anything is announced during church, those may be delayed on being updated to the posts. If you would like to be added to the weekly email list, please contact the office.
February 2025